In this book you'll find solos for every level of player- from novice to professional.

Got a Ukulele- Great site about all things ukulele, run by one of our regulars. Easy chord Intro: G D C D x 2 G It's late in the D evening, C she's wondering what D clothes to wear G She'll put on her D make-up C and brushes her D long blonde hair C And then she D asks me, G 'Do I Bm look all Em right' And I say, C 'Yes, you look D wonderful to- G night.Ukulele Mike- Great Youtube series with tutorials for beginners.UkeBuddy- Chords, tool, tuner, and more!.UkePlay- A site for video lessons on ukulele techniques and how to play specific songs made by a fellow Redditor!.Pineapple Pete's Uke School- Ukulele lessons ranging from the absolute basics to advanced fingerpicking.Ukulele Tuner- An online Ukulele tuner that allows you to uptune and downtune accordingly.Ultimate Guitar- Guitar-centric, but they have a huge database of chord charts (which can't be shut down by the RIAA!), and many of the lessons and guides are applicable to ukulele.Ukulele Hunt- A great resource for lessons, guides, reviews, tabs, and news.

Ukulele Underground- A very active uke forum with great video lessons./r/ukulele's Big Long List of Challenges.We're a community that comes together over our interests in the ukulele and our progressing skills.

The ukulele is by far a rewarding and pleasurable instrument: Both in the ease for beginners to pick up and a learning curve towards its mastery.Originating from Portugal via migrants in the late 19th century, the ukulele stands for gift (uku: gift/reward) that came here (lele: to come), or is derived from the Hawaiian for jumping flea. A ukulele is a four string, hawaiian lute.ACTIVATE NIGHT MODE ACTIVATE NORMAL MODE What is a ukulele?